new writers 2014 BOok Launch

JUNE 04, 2014


7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The Gladstone Hotel

in the Grande Ballroom

1214 Queen St. W., Toronto

A full house of appreciative fans came out to celebrate and to listen as fifteen new writers read an excerpt from their books.

photo gallery of the event


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Anatomy Lesson by Matt Spadafora
Chimney Ridge by Heather From

Continue On: Stories of Love and Survival by A. M. Geddes

Float On by Trent Ogilvie
Greek by Jennifer L. Hoover

The Heartbreak Prince by Abi Agbeyegbe


Hot Guys and Shoulder Cries by Felicia Paulozza


Lyla de la Clyf by R. Z. Asimi
My High Way by Hilary Anne Pearson

My Mother's Daughter by Melissa Carter

Okupado: Tales of Survival in the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines by Tiffany Limgenco


Rum Drops by Kira Rai

Small Talk by David Kee

Tony the Painter by Alessia Piccolo
Wednesday's Child by Jade Garrido