June 1, 2018
new publishers series book launch |
June 1, 2017
new publishers series book launch
July 26, 2016
In the Shadow of Home:
An Artist's
Journey in a New Land
book launch |
June 7, 2016
New Publishers Series Book Launch |
May 29, 2016
When It Happens Book Launch |
June 2, 2015
New Writers Book Launch
november 11, 2014
broken Book Launch |
June 4, 2014
New Writers Book Launch |
Dec 10, 2013
Beverley: The stories and artwork of an exceptional school book launch |
nov 26, 2013
There's Going to be Trouble Book Launch |
June 11, 2013
new publishers series book launch
december 2, 2012
The Taste of Water
launch celebration |
may 29, 2012
New publishers series book launch |
December 15, 2010
Bare Elements book launch |
May 3, 2010
About Local Food book launch |
26, 2005
book launch |
October 26, 2004
book launch |
In addition to the annual Totally Unknown Writers Festival,
Life Rattle Press holds a celebratory book launch for new publications.
These celebrations bring the authors and the community together in an
evening of great storytelling.
Click on the images to read details of upcoming events and to see
pictures from past events.