All She Wrote: A Collection of Short Stories

By Kayla M. Searl


Out of Print

All She Wrote is a compilation of both creative non-fiction short stories and research based articles written during Kayla M. Searl's time at the University of Toronto.


Something moves behind my shoulder. A black void distorts my peripheral vision. I can't see anything beside me. It's blank. My skin tingles and a hand rests on my shoulder. Both my mind and body stop. I want to look behind me but my head won't turn. My body feels compressed and contorted. I strain myself to break whatever holds my body still. I focus my eyes on Gaston. The muscles in his shoulders seep through his shirt when he lifts a stack of plates. I concentrate. I turn my head. The void disappears.

Excerpt from "The Void"


Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

No Longer Available

Searl, Kayla M., 1989-
All she wrote: a collection of short stories / Kayla M. Searl
Publisher: Life Rattle Press, Toronto 2012
New Publishers Series, 1713-8981

ISBN: 978-1-927023-24-2

1. Searl, Kaylaw M., 1989-. 2. College students--Ontario--Toronto--Biography.

LA2325.S39A3 2012 378.1'98092 C2012-901620-9