blackout and other tales in toronto

by Mystique Mattai


Out of Print

Blackout and Other Tales in Toronto, a concise collection of creative non-fiction stories, highlights the adventures and growth of the narrator in a journey through the urban streets of Toronto, Ontario.


With the city as my backdrop, I tell a story.

Warm winds whistle off Lake Ontario, rustle through the trees, and brush my face. Thin quilts of crystal rain cross the skating rink and sparkle on the ice. I close my eyes and breathe.



Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

No Longer Available

Mattai, Mystique, 1988-
Blackout and other tales in Toronto / Mystique Mattai
Publisher: Life Rattle Press, Toronto 2012
New Publishers Series, 1713-8981

ISBN: 978-1-927023-19-8

1. Toronto (Ont)--Biography.

FC3097.25.M38 2012    971.3'541050922   C2012-901614-4