
By Shane Driver


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— Recipient of the Arnie Achtman Award


Shane Driver’s heart-rending honesty and willingness to show his character’s—and by extension our own—deepest conflicts and vulnerabilities, makes each word ring true.


— click here to read About the Author


In this collection of short stories, Shane Driver’s ability to bring a reader to their knees is powered by his instinctive eye for catching the telling details. Just as life does, Driver stacks the absurdly funny right next to the gut wrenching, and leaves us reeling.

An eleven-year-old boy moves into a big, suburban house, only to witness the fierce arguments and subsequent divorce of his parents. He takes to heart the childhood advice of his brother—fight any kid that makes fun of your stutter—and transforms it into the modus operandi of his youth. Wearing a shield of anger, he breaks into the world determined to take on anyone and anything that dares challenge him.

Broken is a sometimes brutal account of a troubled teen, who after facing the harsh consequences of reckless actions and the devastating loss of loved ones, matures into a responsible young man, left to deal with the fallout of his early choices.




National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Price: $20.00

Driver, Shane, 1982-, author
Broken/Shane Driver.--First Canadian Edition
Publisher: Toronto: Life Rattle Press, c2014
Series: New Publishers Series, ISSN 1200-5266
Short Stories.
ISBN 978-927023-84-6 (pbk.)
I. Title. II. Series: Life Rattle new writers series

PS8607.R58B76 2014 C813'.6 C2014-906802-6