Cricket Suicides, Mad Cows, and Mirror Molecules:
Communicating Science

by Guy Allen and the University of Toronto Science Writing Collective 2019



Available at

ISBN 978-1-987936-76-6


Cricket Suicides, Mad Cows, and Mirror Molecules: Communicating Science contains 43 articles about scientific subjects by 25 new writers from Science and Writing, an upper-level, limited-enrollment course in the Professional Writing and Communication Program at the University of Toronto in Mississauga.

This collection offers models of lucid, engaging science writing based on current research reported in scientific journals.
These writers build bridges across the gap between the specialized culture of science and the broader culture of curious and informed readers. Science, even for the intelligent and the educated, seems to happen, for many, in forbidding and remote territory.

Good science writing guides us there and brings us the pleasure of new insight and understanding.