cursed: Stories of Brantford and The Magic Walnut Turtle

by Laura Lefebvre


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Forbidden Voice watches as her father and the other chiefs dance around the flames. They speak many words she does not yet understand. But she knows they are casting a mysterious curse. She watches silently, pride for her father glinted in her still, watchful eyes. He faces tribe members and chiefs again. “We have cast a curse.”

- an excerpt from "The Magic Walnut Turtle"

Set in Brantford, Ontario, legend has it that the downtown was cursed at the end of the nineteenth century. Laura Lefebvre’s Cursed: Stories of Brantford and The Magic Walnut Turtle explores the rumours and history behind Brantford’s legend to discover the truth.

Told in a series of stories, Cursed is a thrilling read and a look inside Lefebvre’s journey and interaction with the history of the town she grew up in.

ISBN: 978-1-927023-47-1