dash of life

By Catherine R. Lopes


Out of Print

This collection of stories looks at food, not as a means of survival, but as a method of communicating passion, identity and culture.

Each story focuses on personal events in the writer's life that show how food nurtures and strengthens our connection with others and acts as a comfort away from daily struggles. These stories also centers on the development of self image amidst societal pressures and cultural norms.




Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

No Longer Available

Lopes, Catherine R., 1990-
Dash of life / Catherine R. Lopes
Publisher: Life Rattle Press, Toronto 2012
New Publishers Series, 1713-8981

ISBN: 978-1-927023-15-0

1. Short stories.

PS8623.O63D38 2012 C813’.6 C2012-901616-0