Hash Brownies and Devil Eggs

by Diana Hara


Sarah’s father grows drugs, not exactly the typical suit-and-tie profession. She hates school, she has no friends, and she has no idea what happened to her mother. As a result, she has no real connection to her past and no real relation to her future. It gets even worse when she runs away, and finds herself leav-ing a life tied to producing drugs and into a world full of using drugs. Her misadventures lead her to unwanted advances and a few brushes with the law.

This novel is written in an original, fast-paced, high-action style, and has been found a great read among its ever-growing fans.



National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Publisher: Toronto: Life Rattle Press, 2005
Series: Life rattle new publishers series ISSN 1713-8981
Numbers: ISBN: 1-897161-18-2
Pages: 315