My jamie has died

By Karalisa Dantas


Out of Print

My Jamie Has Died is a collection of short prose fiction and poetry, written and revised over a span of seven years.

While some of the stories are based in New Zealand, others owe their inspiration to the author’s early childhood in Goa, India. The collection covers themes of death, childhood, growing up, depression, love, nostalgia, relationships and friendships.






Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Dantas, Karalisa, 1989-
My Jamie has died: a collections / Karalisa Dantas
Publisher: Life Rattle Press, Toronto 2012
New Publishers Series, 1713-8981

ISBN: 978-1-927023-21-1

PR9639.4.D36A6 2012 828'.9208 C2012-901639-X