“Beth, you’re sixteen. He’s twenty-five. That’s a huge difference,” Sam says.
“I know, but there’s something special about him. I know it. I felt it the first time I even looked at him. Corny, I know, but it’s the truth. It’s not like I met him and knew his age right away. I started having feelings for him before I found out. I can’t just ignore my feelings because he’s older than me. I’d regret it,” I say.
“You’re at two different stages in life, though, Beth. Maybe five-ten years from now, it wouldn’t be so bad. But you’re in high school,” Sam says.
“I know, but I can’t judge him and end things because of that,” I say.
- an excerpt from Pooks
Read, Bethany, 1990-
Pooks / Bethany Read
Publisher: Life Rattle Press, Toronto 2012
New Publishers Series, 1713-8981
ISBN: 978-1-927023-23-5
1. Read, Bethany, 1990- --Relations with men. 2. Masney, Matt.
HQ803.5.R42 2012 306.73092 C2012-901619-5