I have ulcerative colitis. I take six pills a day to keep it in check. Sometimes that isn’t enough to prevent the symptoms of the disease - diarrhea, rectal bleeding and abdominal pain.
Managing ulcerative colitis is a massive part of my life, but it’s not the only part.
Three Tablets Twice Daily is a collection of stories about the lead-up to my diagnosis and how I live with the disease. Join me on the toilet, and thankfully, lots of other places outside the bathroom too.
Clarke, Rasheed, 1984-
Three tablets twice daily / Rasheed Clarke.
Life Rattle Press, Toronto, 2011
New Publishers Series, ISSN 1713-8981
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 1-897161-95-1
1. Clarke, Rasheed, 1984- --Health. 2. Ulcerative colitis--Patients--Canada--Biography.
I. Title. II. Series: New publishers series
RC862.C63C52 2011 362.196'344730092 C2011-901680-X