Without Air: The world of breath-hold diving

by Michelle kathryn duklas



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Breath-hold divers compete in one of the most intense and dangerous conditions on the planet—underwater. Breath-hold divers take huge risks participating in their sport.

Stéphane Mifsud of France holds the record for the longest breath-hold dive. He held his breath for 11 minutes and 35 seconds. Irreversible brain damage normally sets in at six minutes and solidifies at eight to ten minutes. But Mifsud survived with no noticeable brain damage. This amazing feat truly show the accomplishments of humankind to explore the boundaries of our limitations. But does breath-hold diving pose any risks to the brain? Does the lack of oxygen cause brain damage?

- an excerpt from Chapter 8 “Brain Damage”


Without Air describes the world of breath-hold diving to an audience that may not be so familiar with the activity. Using secondary research sources, Duklas describes some of the latest scientific research into breath-hold diving, along with some anecdotes and stories about breath-hold divers.


ISBN: 978-1-927023-45-7